I Visit Hamida's House Again
April 18, 2007
I visited Hamida's house last week. Her mother and youngest son were there visiting, and I now have a camera that works so I took a few pictures for you!
Hamida is the one standing; her oldest and youngest sons sit on the floor eating.
(The other woman is a friend.)

Everyone was so excited to have their picture taken. This was originally supposed to be a photo of three people, but many other people wanted to join the photo! On the left side of the photo, you can see some of the shanty houses that some people live in. (Hamida lives in a cement house.)

Hamida's house is on the left (her neighbor is standing in her doorway) and there is a shanty house across the alleyway.

Hamida took this photograph. The kids know that whenever I come I bring them small toys, so they run up to greet me. This picture was taken just as I finished handing out the goodies. In fact, the only way to calm them down after handing out presents seems to be to take a picture of them (since apparently they see that as a treat equal to the presents!)

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